Meet Veena Malhotra, a 64-year-old woman from Gurugram who turned a personal challenge into a successful business. In 2016, Veena experienced severe hair fall after recovering from chikungunya and undergoing knee surgery. She tried many remedies, but nothing worked. Instead of losing hope, she relied on her love for Ayurveda and began experimenting with herbs and oils in her kitchen. What started as a personal solution grew into Veena Ji’s Hair Oil, a brand that helps people across India care for their hair naturally.
The Secret Behind the Oil
Veena’s success did not come easily. It took her five years of hard work and experimentation to find the perfect formula. She used powerful herbs like ashwagandha, shankhpushpi, methi dana, kalaunji, kala til, and amla powder, mixing them with oils like olive, mustard, sesame, and coconut. She even adjusted the formula for different seasons, saying, “Coconut oil isn’t ideal for winters as it hardens quickly.”
When Veena Ji’s Hair Oil launched in 2021 with just Rs 10,000, it came with a promise of being completely natural and handcrafted. The oil is designed to reduce hair fall, promote growth, prevent premature greying, and repair damage caused by pollution. Customers like Kanika Kush have praised it, saying, “The consistency is perfect, and it works wonders. Even my husband loves it!”
Each 100 ml bottle costs Rs 220, plus a small delivery charge. Veena believes in letting customers try the product before committing to larger purchases.
Resilience and Family Support
Veena’s journey is not just about creating a product; it’s about finding her purpose. After surviving an abusive marriage, she raised her two children alone, teaching them the importance of strength and perseverance. Today, her daughter Shefali helps manage marketing and sales for the business.
“She’s always been a fighter,” says Shefali. “As a child, I didn’t believe in home remedies. But now, seeing the results of my mom’s oil, I’ve embraced it completely. My hair has never felt this good.”
Veena has also encouraged women in her community to switch to natural hair care. “Getting even a few people to stop using chemical products is a win for their health and the environment,” she says.
A Community for Seniors: Sukoon Unlimited
Veena’s story connects with the vision of Sukoon Unlimited a special community for seniors across India. Sukoon provides a space for older adults to build friendships, share stories, explore hobbies, and find support. It’s a place where everyone feels valued and moments are filled with joy and companionship.
At Sukoon, seniors are never alone. Whether you want to connect with others, pursue a passion, or simply find support, Sukoon is your home. It’s a reminder that life can always be full of new beginnings and meaningful connections.
Veena’s inspiring journey shows us that it’s never too late to start something new, make a difference, and build a fulfilling life.